How long does it take to see results?

After our first call you’ll have a deeper understanding of your mind and insight into your struggle.

Throughout the weeks and months you'll be building your skill set and taking new action. You’ll start noticing less cravings and that your clothes are getting looser. Of course every body is different, however most likely you can expect 1lb/week of weight loss.

Once you’ve reached your goal weight I’ll coach you through the maintenance phase which requires an entirely different skill set and thinking habits.

After each session you’ll have a gratifying feeling. You'll know that you’re truly taking care of yourself and that much closer to your goal.

What if I don’t like it?

It’s important to me that you get what you came for. If after 30 days, you are unsatisfied for any reason, I will give you a full refund. I only work with clients who want my coaching.

What if I have to cancel last minute?

We’ll reschedule your session.

When is payment due?

Upon receiving your invoice, which I’ll send you after our consultation.

Do you have a payment plan?

If you need to pay in installments, that’s possible. Let’s talk about how we can make it work.

How do we do the session?

Video conference using Zoom.

What if I have more questions?

Let’s chat! Simply email your questions to paula@mindfulshape.com. I’ll answer all of your questions and there’s no obligation to move beyond this point if it’s not for you.